
October 2024
The renovation of 1906 Pullman Carriage Princess Ena is now complete. It has been a long journey - with many ups and downs. But we are finally there. We have therefore announced an opening date of 1st November. Booking is open on our website for fine dining Pullman Style!

September 2024
Even though we have had a few delays and we are not quite ready to open our dining car Princess Ena we are opening a restaurant in our Waiting Room. We have a great new chef with a talent for combining flavours. The ethos of the new restaurant will be Original, Regional, Seasonal.
We can't wait for guests to try our new menu.

March 2024
The renovation and replacement of the woodwork and marquetry of Princess Ena is nearly complete. We have replaced her missing windows and the outside is ready for the Pullman coat of arms, scrolls, and some sign writing. She is looking fantastic and will soon be ready for her tables, chairs, carpet and all other items ready for opening. There are still so many things to do, but we are still hoping that she will be up and running late Spring / Early Summer.
Subscribe to our newsletter to get regular updates - and be the first to hear when you can book to dine on our 1906 Pullman Carriage Princess Ena.

January 2024
Happy New Year!
We would like to wish a Happy New Year to all our followers, guests - old & new, suppliers and supporters and any one else reading this!.
2023 had its ups and downs - we have so many plans for 2024 - we feel its going to be an exciting year.
We will be coming to the end of our renovation of Princess Ena - there have been so many special, interesting and somewhat scary moments along the way - but we feel when she is unveiled and ready for use - it will all be worth it.
We will be starting a blog so that you can follow the progress and see how far we have come.
We are also planning a few dining events this year - starting with Burns Night and Valentines Eve - see our Dining page for more details,
November 2023
Its been a very busy year!
Princess Ena's Restoration is coming on well - interior pieces have been ordered and the exterior has been painted. Its lovely to see her back in Pullman livery - she's been white since 1934!
The main Station House has been painted on 3 out of the 4 sides - unfortunately the weather dictated that the front will have to wait until 2024 - along with the carriages that we had hoped to get to this year.
Once again we are proud to announce we have received a number of awards
The Good Hotel guide - Editor's Choice - Romantic Hotel 2024
Good Hotel Award for Excellence 2024
Tripadvisor - Travellers’ Choice Award

August 2022
We can't believe its nearly the end of Summer already!
Although the new building is still not quite finished - we have at last started work on Princess Ena.
Staff are looking forward to using the new facilities the new building has to offer - hopefully next month!
We have such a busy Summer, as ever there is lots to do around the station. The carriages are due a bit of a makeover, which we hope to get underway in the quieter months from October onwards.
We are very pleased to say that we have been nominated and awarded a number of awards this year, including
The Old Railway Station - 2022 Recognition of Excellence Award - HotelsCombined
Good Hotel Award nomination - results in September
Tripadvisor - Travellers’ Choice Award
March 2022
Work on the new building is progressing well and is almost finished. There are still a few things left to do mainly on the inside, and the outside is just waiting for a final coat of paint and a few other finishing touches.
It has been a slow journey as all works have to take place between 11am and 3pm when our guests check out and check in.

You can see the new building at the West end of the platform sitting next to Princess Ena. We are so pleased with how it has turned out - it looks like it has always been there, according to a number of guests!
We are so thrilled that we have been able to build this, although it has not been easy.
The frame was built off-site and put in position the first week of May 2021 - before we were able to re-open after the lockdown. Since then the workers have had to fit in work between the hours of 11am - 3pm, so as not to disturb our guests, although everything has been designed to be made off site and all noisy work was intend to be complete by May 2021. We are so happy that guests have bought into what we are doing and have enjoyed asking questions and shown real interest in our project. Many have said they can't wait to come back to see it all complete. As the new building is situated at the far end from the carriages, some guest have said they did not even realise there was any work going on - we are so grateful to all the workers for keeping noise to a minimum and producing such a lovely building.
Work here at The Old Railway Station is ever on going. With the building and the carriages all over 100 years old and made of wood there is always some maintenance happening - but for us it really is a labour of love.
Princess Ena has a new roof and has had some services put in. Restoration work will start on her this summer once all of the building is complete.
October 2021
The roof is on and the building is clad, even the windows are in, getting ready to be water tight for the winter. We are now just waiting for the scaffolding to come down. Here you can see the scaffolding and progress - and a very low flying hot air balloon - that got us very excited as it passed over the station.

September 2021
Building work is progressing well - lots of excitement around the place. I am not a fan of heights - but the view from the scaffolding is worth the climb up the ladder!

May 2021
We are excited to announce that we have taken possession of a new carriage. Princess Ena has been saved from a house demolition and will join us at the station as a buffet car. The carriage will undergo major restoration work - but will be such a great addition - we are thrilled.

Alongside the carriage are erecting a new building to include a kitchen to service the carriage. This building will also house a new office, store and staff facilities.
It has been very exciting to watch the progress of the build. It was a difficult decision to make during lockdown when we were closed and did not know what the future might bring - however we thought it was also the best time as it would reduce the affect on our guests. In case we could not complete it during the lockdown we decided on ways of building and materials that would reduce noise and disruption. We have gone for beam and block foundations as well as a pre-fabricated wooden structure, which has meant that most of the build has taken place off site.
Thursday 13th May 2021 the timber frame is being erected.
All this is taking place at the far west end of the platform the opposite end to the our other carriages.
The construction site is sectioned off and is not accessible to guests.
Our platform is still fully operational along with the waiting room.